webinar / online classroom / in-person
Contact Patricia to discuss how each of these topics can be adapted for your audience (office, industrial, non-profit, government agencies, etc); and formatted to your requirements as:
an overview presentation of 45 to 90 minutes,
a workshop of 2 to 3 hours or
a training session of 1 to 3 days

Secrets to Successful Workplace Engagement
Learn the reason why traditional means of motivating others often do not work in today’s diverse workforce. From understanding how our communication affects others to recognizing how others best receive our communication, we can begin to master the principle that “One cannot motivate others - one can only create an environment in which others motivate themselves.”
Principles of Engagement
NeuroLinguisitic Programming
How we process and sort information and how it affects motivation
Rapport building
Generational Differences
Values as a Motivational Guide
Power of Vision
Positive Self-Expectancy
Supervisor qualities that result in loyal work teams

Profile: Influencing Styles
Coaching Guides
Pocket Guides
Skill Builder booklets
Creating a Winning Team
Many of the angers and frustrations that we experience as members or leaders of a team are a result of broken agreements, unmet expectations and failure to get what we want. When someone does not do what they said they would, or only does a mediocre job, our expectations are not met and we feel angry, disappointed or cheated. Trust levels decline and satisfaction disappears. One of the main reasons this happens is the team is not aligned in their goals and one or more members is in a dysfunctional state. Through group interaction and lecture, participants will learn how to deal with the symptoms of a dysfunctional team and the causes for the breakdowns - and how to transform it into a winning team in a way that empowers everyone involved.

Profile: Team Building Effectiveness
Profile: Team Dimensions Profile
Profile: Work Expectations Profile
Coaching Guides
Pocket Guides
Skill Builder booklets

Manager v. Leader: Where is the Power?
The debate is on...When is a manager a leader? When is a leader a manager? Is there a difference? Does it matter? What does matter is that you have a style of working with people that fits your values and objectives and gets the results that you want. Understanding how different styles of coordinating people produce varying results, and realizing how power works so you can use it respectfully, are two vital criteria for being effective as a supervisor or manager. Explore these ideas and more in an experiential. interactive workshop that will help you clarify your style and gain more cooperation and support from your staff.

Profile: Management Effectiveness
Profile: Management Styles
Coaching Guides
Pocket Guides
Skill Builder booklets
The Management Woman: Developing Your Leadership Power
The debate is on...When is a manager a leader? When is a leader a manager? Is there a difference? Does it matter? For women, the issue is even larger than those options...How does a woman handle power? What is power in business? How does one use it positively? These are many of the questions hotly discussed by women in business. The answers are not simple. Explore these ideas and more in an experiential, interactive workshop that will help you clarify your leadership style and gain more cooperation and support from your staff. What does matter is that you have a style of working with people that fits your values and objectives and gets the results that you want. Understanding how different styles of coordinating people produce varying results, and realizing how power works so you can use it respectfully, are two vital criteria for being effective as a supervisor or manager.

Profile: Management Effectiveness
Profile: Management Styles
Coaching Guides
Pocket Guides
Skill Builder booklets

Personal Journey to Leadership
Growing in leadership requires understanding personal patterns of interacting with others. It also demands understanding the behavior patterns of those we lead. "Personal Journey to Leadership" will use self-assessment tools, goal setting strategies and interactive exercises to enhance the participants' innate leadership skills. Participants will develop and take control of their plans for leadership. They will identify their own personal strengths and areas where development is needed and then take steps on the journey to being a more effective leader.
As a result of attending this course, participants will learn to:
Increase their confidence in their leadership ability so that they can be more decisive and trusted
Draw leadership out of others so they can develop their teams and groups
Assess their own strengths and weaknesses to have an accurate basis for making decisions about changing
Recognize the traits and characteristics of great leaders so they can choose appropriate behavior to model
Serve others more effectively to be more capable, respected and supported leaders
Better understand individual behavior to increase their leadership effectiveness no matter who they are leading
Change their limiting beliefs so they can positively progress to higher levels of performance
Use core leadership time mastery techniques to be able to maintain and grow the progress they accomplish
Implement a step-by-step success plan so they can cause the changes they want in their leadership approaches
Leadership: Recognizing the "Great Leader Within"
Self-assessment of leadership styles
Identifying great leaders
Common traits of great leaders
Personal Leadership Skills Development
Taking a personal inventory
Understanding individual behavior
Meeting the needs of those we serve
Personal leadership style exercises
Interpersonal Skills Development
Leading versus managing
Understanding group behaviors
Strategies of leadership
Effective communication
Goal Attainment
Steps toward goal attainment
Building a foundation for success
Implementing a success plan, step by step
Barriers to Personal and Group Success
Identifying the personal barriers
Changing limiting beliefs
Application of Leadership Techniques
Personal action plan for leadership development
Professional action plan for leadership development
Profile: Leadership Style
Profile: Emotional Intelligence Style
Profile: Social Styles Inventory
Profile: Everything DiSC
Coaching Guides
Pocket Guides
Skill Builder booklets